Diagnostic and Therapy of Skin Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Prevention of Skin Cancer
Dermatological Surgery
Pediatric Dermatology
Allergy Screenings
Each and every patient receives a detailed written report at the end of the consultation. Thus, my patients gain the most benefit from the consultation, since they or other medical professionals can judge and understand my diagnostic and therapeutic decisions later on.
For patients who can not come to my office I provide home visits.
I have no contracts with health authorities and health insurances. You will receive an invoice for the private fee and a confirmation of payment.
However, you can submit the invoice at your state health insurance. In most cases, you will receive 80% of the fee which a physician who has a contract with a state health insurance would receive for the given SPECTRUM. Please note, that this amount of refunding can differ from the amount of a private office, meaning, that your refunding is less. You can also submit the invoice at your private health insurance.
For any details of refunding, please contact your personal health insurance. Below you can find the contact details for several important health insurances (Telephone numbers a valid for calls inside of Austria; for calls from abroad, please add 0043 and delete the "0" at the beginning of the given numbers).
State Health Insurances:
- Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse (WGKK): Wienerbergstrasse 15-19, 1100 Wien, Telefon: (01) 601 220, E-Mail: office@wgkk.at
- Beamten-Versicherungs-Anstalt (BVA): Josefstädter Strass 80, 1080 Wien, Telefon: (01) 050 405, E-Mail: postoffice@bva.at
- Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerbliche Wirktschaft (SVA): Wiedner Hauptsrasse 84-86, 1050 Wien, Telefon: (01) 050 8080, E-Mail: vs.w@svagw.at
- Sozialversicherungsanstalt der Bauern (SVB) Ghegastrasse 1, 1030 Wien. Telefon: (01) 797 060, E-Mail: info@svb.at
- Versicherungsanstalt für Eisenbahn und Bergbau (VAEB): Nordbahnstraße 5, 1020 Wien. Telefon: 050 2350-0, E-Mail: kv@vaeb.at
Private Health Insurances:
- Allianz Elementar Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft: Hietzinger Kai 101-105, 1130 Wien, Telefon: 05 900 90, E-Mail: feedback@allianz.at
- Generali Versicherung AG: Landskrongasse 1-3, Postfach 173, A-1010 Wien, Telefon: (01) 534 010, E-Mail : office.at@generali.com
- Merkur Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft: Joanneumring 22, 8010 Graz, Telefon: 0316 80340, E-Mail: merkur@merkur.at
- UNIQA Österreich Versicherungen AG: Untere Donaustraße 21, A-1029 Wien, Telefon: 050677 670, E-Mail: info@uniqa.at
- WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group: Schottenring 30, Postfach 80, 1011 Wien, Telefon: 050 350 20 000, E-Mail: kundenservice@wienerstaedtische.at
- Zürich Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft: Schwarzenbergplatz 15, 1010 Wien, Telefon : 08000 808080, E-Mail: service@at.zurich.com